четверг, 29 июля 2010 г.

Choose outfit for "Mrs.Russia Earth -2010"

My dear friends!

In 2 weeks I'm going to USA to participate in world pageant "Mrs. Earth".

Great Russian Couturier Slava Zaitsev gave me 4 dresses to choose one for my pageant.

Please, help me to choose! Vote on my website: http://www.eng.missismoscow2009.ru/

Thank you for advance!

My Russian friends has already voted in Russian version of my website. Curious? Try it also in Russian here http://www.missismoscow2009.ru/

воскресенье, 4 июля 2010 г.

Newspaper about our camel Lucky

Last week I visited the editor's of Russian newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" where was given the issue with the artical about our small Lucky)

1st International Festival "Family of the Earth-2010"

My tour to Tunisia included the organisation of the 1st International Festival "Family of the Earth 2010".

Families from Russia came to visit Tunisian families.

We had the joint concert, the exibition. We also painted The Wall of Friendship and met our small camel Lucky.

More information is here: www.missismoscow2009.ru